Health & Safety Protocols

Cleaning and Sanitization

1. The following cleaning procedures are being employed:

• Staff will spray the barres with disinfectant before class begins
• All studios will have antibacterial wipes.
• Bathrooms will be cleaned and sanitized frequently
• All touched surfaces and door handles will be wiped down by staff throughout the day along with the regular cleaning schedule.
• Floors will be cleaned regularly.
• Lobby, dressing rooms and water fountain will be closed. Students MUST bring their own water bottles.
•Atlanta Dance & Music employs ultra-violet sanitizing lights overnight for further sanitizing.

2. Students and teachers only will be allowed in the school. (Please see drop off and pick up protocol below.) Visitors are not allowed in the building at any time.

3. Masks are always required by all persons while in the school, unless otherwise stated. Masks will be required for faculty and staff.

4. Six-feet physical distancing by all students and teachers will be maintained.

Drop Off and Pick Up Procedure

1. Parents are asked to be alert for symptoms of COVID-19 in the family, and to keep student home if showing signs of illness. Students can join via Zoom.

2. Students should arrive wearing their dance attire. Dressing rooms are closed.

3. Staff members will greet the students outside in front of the school as they arrive.

4. Temperature will be taken along with a symptom screening. Two daily questions will be asked:
a. Have you experienced any cold or flu like symptoms in the past 72 hours?
b. Has your school/place of work experienced a shut-down due to a covid cluster outbreak within the last 7 days?

5. If student’s temperature is 100.4 degrees or above, the student will not be granted entry.

6. The decision to admit a student to the building rests solely with the staff.

7. Staff will provide hand sanitizer to student before entering the school.

8. Parents should wait with student until staff has completed intake protocol and student has entered the school.

9. Staff will sign students in and out of the building.

10. Visitors will not be allowed in the school building at any time.

In Class Safety Procedures

• Classes are restricted to 8-10 students, maximum, depending on the age group.

• Barre work will be 6-feet apart in distance.

• Center work will have a 10- to 12-foot radius.

• Students will be assigned a position at the barre and the center that will not change throughout the class time.

• Six feet distance will be employed when entering and leaving the individual studio and the school.

In the Event a Confirmed Case Occurs in Our School

• Atlanta Dance & Music will coordinate with local health officials to assess the risk and communicate to families and staff.

• If a student or staff member becomes ill while in the school, they will leave the school building immediately.

• Students and staff will be dismissed for 2-5 days.

• Students and staff who have become ill in the affected class will not be allowed to return until they tested negative or completed a 14-day quarantine.

• A disinfectant deep cleaning will take place.

• Those students and staff in the class affected will receive virtual training.

• If a COVID-19 case prompts dismissal or temporary closure of the program, ADMA/CityDance, Inc. will immediately convert to virtual classes on Zoom until reopening.